Key Changes to the Employee Retention Credit

Key Changes to the Employee Retention Credit

Key Changes to the Employee Retention Credit There’s a lot of news coming out of Washington these days, but one development healthcare providers and their practices should greet as especially “good news” is a key change regarding the Employee Retention Credit...
London Amburn 2020: A Year in Review

London Amburn 2020: A Year in Review

What a year it has been.  Who could have imagined what has transpired over the past twelve months?  A year that will be forever marked by the COVID-19 global pandemic and the upheaval it has wrought on the economy, our health care system and, most devastatingly, in...
Key Changes to the Employee Retention Credit

IRS Says ‘No’ to PPP Loan Deductions

The IRS released guidance this week which definitively stated that expenses paid with Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan proceeds are NOT deductible.  With the end of the year coming quickly, many of our clients have either filed or are preparing to file PPP loan...